How To Write An Artists Statement

artist statement writing
Online Studio Arts

Writing an artist statement is a great way to express the concepts, themes, and motivations behind your art. Artists statements are often asked for when being represented by a gallery or when applying for a grant and can be placed on your 'about' page on your website.

Here’s a general guide to help you craft one:

1. Introduction:

  • Begin with a brief introduction of yourself as an artist. Include your name, background, and the medium(s) you work in.

2. Artistic Vision and Themes:

  • Describe the overarching themes or concepts that inspire your work. What are the recurring motifs or ideas in your art?

  • Explain why these themes are important to you and how they manifest in your creations.

3. Techniques and Methods:

  • Discuss the techniques, materials, and methods you use in your art. How do these choices contribute to conveying your message or vision?

4. Influences and Inspirations:

  • Mention the artists, movements, or experiences that influence your work. Explain how they have shaped your artistic journey.

5. Meaning and Purpose:

  • Clarify the deeper meaning behind your art. What emotions or messages do you aim to convey to your audience?

  • Explore the purpose or intentions behind your creative process.

6. Audience Engagement:

  • Consider how you want your audience to engage with your art. Do you want to provoke thought, evoke emotions, or spark conversation?

7. Style and Unique Elements:

  • Highlight any distinctive stylistic elements or unique aspects of your work that set you apart as an artist.

8. Conclusion:

  • Wrap up your artist statement by summarizing the key points and reinforcing your artistic vision.


  • Clarity: Keep your statement clear, concise, and easily understandable.

  • Authenticity: Be genuine and true to yourself. Let your personality shine through your words.

  • Revision: Edit and revise your statement to ensure it accurately represents your artistic voice.

Remember, an artist statement is a personal reflection of your creative journey and intentions. It's a tool to help your audience understand and connect with your art on a deeper level.

Feel free to adapt this structure to suit your own style and artistic perspective.